The Magic Law Chapter 4.1

1901 Words8 Pages Fighting the Witch of the Waste and breaking the spell
When Howl is so busy moving the house of the castle, the Witch of the Waste has attacked his family in Wales. After getting the news, Howl quickly goes back to Wales to save his family. Not long after Howl has saved his family and comes back to Ingary, Howl’s acquaintance whom Sophie and Michael meet in Wales, Miss Angorian, suddenly comes to Howl’s castle. She turns out to be the Witch’s fire demon who wants to take Howl’s heart. Sophie cannot leave her alone. She confronts her with all the power she has. This last magical event experienced by Sophie finally brings her to her longing: break Howl and Calcifer contract as well as break the spell on her. Magic Law
The magic law that is particularly seen in this magical event is limitation. It is illustrated in the textual evidence below:
Excerpt 4.22. She reached down into the grate and plucked Calcifer out of it. Calcifer wobbled on top of her clenched fist, looking terrified... Her hand …show more content…

The excerption depicts Sophie’s magical ability. Sophie recovers that she actually has ability to make things into life just by talking to it. Calcifer is the one who realizes the power of her first. Through her magical power, she tells Calcifer to have other years to live on his own. Her words successfully breaks Howl and Calcifer contract and sets Calcifer free. Moreover, she also helps Howls with her magic.
Excerpt 4.24. Sophie turned to Howl with the almost-dead black lump, feeling doubtful in spite of her hurry. She had to get this right, and she was not sure how you did. “Well, here goes,” she said. Kneeling down beside Howl, she carefully put the black lump on his chest in the leftish sort of place she had felt hers in when it troubled her, and pushed. “Go in,” she told it. “Get in there and work!” And she pushed and pushed. The heart began to sink in, and to beat more strongly as it went. (p.