The Marrow Thieves: Family, Racism, And Culture

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In her novel "The Marrow Thieves," Cherie Dimaline explores three important themes: family, racism, and culture. Throughout the story, she demonstrates that family is not just limited to biological ties, racism can cause a significant amount of chaos and harm, and culture is essential and worth preserving.

Thematic Statement #1 - Family is not solely defined by biology.

Point #1 - Biological family cannot always provide support during difficult times.

Quote - "Now I was alone, leaving the smaller cities … my legs screamed from night and day of ache and stretch" (Dimaline 9).

Explanation - This quote demonstrates that the protagonist is alone and without support, as Mitch has left him to fend for himself.

Point #2 - People outside of biological …show more content…

Thematic Statement #2 - Racism breeds chaos and conflict.

Point #1 - Racism stems from a desire for power and dominance.

Quote - "Racism isn't about skin colour. It's about power. It's about who gets to tell the story and who gets left out" (Dimaline).

Explanation - This quote highlights the government's desire to obtain more power and control by suppressing Indigenous peoples and attempting to dictate their narrative.

Point #2 - Racism dehumanizes targeted groups.

Quote - "They think we're savages. That we are less than human. That is how they justify treating us like animals" (Dimaline).

Explanation - This quote demonstrates the harmful effects of racism, as Indigenous peoples are dehumanized and mistreated simply because they are different.

Thematic Statement #3 - Culture is a vital aspect of identity.

Point #1 - Culture helps individuals maintain their sense of self.

Quote - "Culture is the only way we know who we are and where we come from" (Dimaline).

Explanation - This quote highlights the importance of culture in helping people stay connected to their heritage and maintain their