
The Masque Of The Red Death Tone

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In the story, The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe, who is the author, is trying to create the tone of the story to emphasize the situation that is going to happen as you read the story. The way that Poe is able to create the tone and setting of the story is by developing the mood, creating an emotional pull with its readers, and providing descriptive cues within the story. By Poe being able to create a sense of emotion and descriptive illustrative writing he is able to portray the meaning of his story “The Masque of the Red Death”. It is a story that takes place at a time when a horrible disease called the Red Death is killing off people in mass numbers.The work of Edgar Allen Poe in relation to this short story is about the tragic …show more content…

The main character in the story Prince Prospero seems to be unaffected by the disease. As he notices the number of deaths increasing he decides to take all the nobles in the land and decides to bunker down in his castle which he designed himself. He decides to spend the whole time partying and ignore the disease that is going on outside. The way that Poe would describe this party is “a gay and magnificent revel” in which “the prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure. ” The Prince did not want to think about the situation going on outside and decided to enjoy all the wealth he had with his men, creating an illusion of a fun, enjoyable …show more content…

Poe goes on to say that “with such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion. ” By Poe saying this he is trying to portray to his attendees that they are safe behind his castle and that The Red Death will not enter. After reading this line it seems to be that the Prince is putting the attendees at his party under false pretenses that nothing will happen to them as long as they stay under his castle, though later on as the story goes on they will soon realize that they are sealing their fate to meet with The Red Death very

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