The Mass Prison Era

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The key factor and points in this chapter began with the Penitentiary era. This was stated to emphasize the Quakers beliefs that prisoners could be reformed by reflection, penance, and good conduct.(Schmalleger & Gmykla, 2015). Followed by the Mass prison era. This used prison as a form of punishment and then the Reformative era where beliefs that science and education could be used to control crime. Fourth, is the Industrial Era. Where inmates are able to work in prison industries. The fifth era is the Punitive era where a prison is a place for strict punishment and custody. This was followed by the Treatment era where treatment was used as punishments against the riots and reform came from the Medical Model, therapy, and classification. The Community-based and Warehouse era resulted in a boost and overcrowding in the prison population and using community-based programs to reform prisoners. The …show more content…

One being classification. This allows for the varied differences in prisoners. (Schmalleger & Gmykla, 2015). This promotes public safety and offender safety. External classification involves the security level and Internal classification involves housing placement in prison based on the criminals background and individual needs. Other programs are Orientation to the institution and faith-based and veteran dorms. Work assignments are also an important program to prison life. By using Operational assignments to perform everyday prison activities and Community operations the prisoners are allowed to work and earn a wage. This is lead by the PIECP who work with real world industries to provide prisoners work opportunities. Federal Prison Industries and UNICOR help in this initiative. Educational and recreational programs are also provided for prisoners and all of these help with prison moral and help the inmates to behave in a more appealing way. Physical and Mental healthcare are also other programs that aid in prison