The Meaning Of A Homeless

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What does the word homeless mean to a person? Well, it means that a person is without a home. How can someone be without a home? Things change and that is how a person becomes homeless. In the song by Whitney Houston, “things have come to change baby,” things can change for better or for worse. When someone goes homeless, everything changes so quickly that it leaves a person in a state of shock. Being homeless is like being in an accident. Everything happens so quickly that you do not realize that you have just been hit. What can you do to help a homeless person? There are so many things that can be done, but it is impossible to list all of them. By volunteering , donating clothing, working at a soup kitchen, and so much more, a …show more content…

If necessary, take some courses on first aid that will teach you proper techniques of caring for the ill and those who need to be on medication. When you volunteer, you give back to the community. When you do something good, you receive something in return. It is almost like karma. What comes around goes around. As a volunteer, a person is not only responsible for the wellbeing for the homeless, but they are also responsible for maintaining a shelter where the homeless can live in. By providing food and medicine, volunteers not only change the lives of the homeless but also the lives in the community. Second, donate used clothing. When people are in need, a truck for donations is sent out to local community in search of used clothing and other necessities. As a community, hold clothing drives in schools, and on your block. Not only will you raise money and clothing, but also that clothing can be good for other things, like a new dress, or a new pair pants. There are so many things that you can do with used clothing. Turning it into something else it the beautiful part to it. By donating,