The Meaning Of Nature: Nature Is Important To Life

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The moment the first human beings came to life, they took their first breath of air, this air and the atmosphere that surrounds us is nature. Nature can be most simple things that we see but it can also be the most complex of things too. Nature holds different meanings and values to different individuals. Some people are more in touch with nature than others which gives each individual a unique meaning of what it means to them. The majority of humans that define the concept of nature as being rain, the stars and animals. In my opinion, nature is what makes the world so beautiful and without it we would not be alive. Nature is the tree’s changing colour in the autumn, the smell of roses during the summer, and animals as some of them keep humans alive.
There are a select few religions and cultures that are in touch with nature and everything that surrounds it. Shinto, is an example of a Japanese religion that dates from prehistoric times. This religion is agnostic in nature and it also involves the worship of “kami”, the spirits. Shinto is referred to as the religion of life as they worship certain aspects of nature more than others, rivers, waterfalls, rocks, and the moon. Cohen suggested that nature “gives people a sense of understanding and perspective”. I understand Cohen’s quote as nature played an important role in my life growing up. Nature has the ability to remove any stress or thoughts by taking yourself out of the busy city and into the tranquil environment.