The Meaning Of The Utopian And The Dystopia

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ANS~ The meaning ofDystopia~There are two genres of narratives which deal with imagined future conditions-- the Utopian and the dystopian fictions are opposed to each other. While the former imagines a model world which has been perfected by an ideal form of government, model citizens and absence of any form of false ideology or irrationality. The novels of dystopia on the other hand give us a glimpse of a nightmarish future, where everything has gone horribly wrong. Usually, a dystopic world is an aftermath of mass scale destruction, a catastrophic event. In 1984 the dystopic world is the result of a political revolution post the world war and post nuclear atomic bombing. Historical events with political, social and economic repercussions can have massive effect on the psyche of individuals. Events like the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, changed the way wars were fought, it changed people’s impressions about war, nationalism, technology and even humanity. Sometimes these changes in human psyche are for the better, and sometimes for the worse. In real life the bombing of the two Japanese cities gave rise to a number of anti-nuclear warfare pacts , it resulted in world peace organizations and many treaties that were signed in order to make sure that such an incident never gets repeated again. People also became suspicious of modern technology and scientific discoveries. The rise of Socialism in Russia under Stalin gave rise to a “totalitarian” like conditions, where the

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