The Medieval Era's Effect On Christianity In The Middle Ages

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The Medieval Era had a huge effect on Christianity and formed the foundation of the Christian religion as we know it today. Many culture and ideas effected this religion like the Greeks and the Romans. Christianity faced many challenges throughout the years to become what we know it as today. It is important to understand the difference between faith and reason to understand the challenges early Christians faced when they were being prosecuted by other philosophers. The discussion of a person’s freewill and whether or not sin is a choice is important to this subject.
Comparing and contrasting Greek and Christian thought is important to understand the effect it had in the middle ages. What we see as the Christian thought was originally based …show more content…

Sin entered the human race because Adam ate from the tree of life when Eve said he should even though God said that was his only rule not to be broken. Pelagius became interested in the how sin began. The text book explains “Everybody since then has inherited a sinful nature and is a slave to sin. For this reason it is said Christ had to come and save us from our helpfulness and bondage to sin” (Lawhead 127). Since the first sin no man has been perfect and therefore man should now always ask forgiveness for all their wrong doing. Pelagius thought that sin can be overlooked if good moral choices was to be made instead. We do not need help from God or another outside source to keep from sinning when with free will we have our own choices to make. Adams wrongful actions in the Bible led to people today thinking it is okay to make sinning a social norm in society making freewill giving to mankind. William Lawhead explains “So where does God fit into the Pelagian picture? The answer is that God sent Jesus to live a life of perfect love his teachings and example help us decide to will the good however, with or without his work in our lives our capacity for freedom remains the same” (Lawhead 127). God sent Jesus to love everyone equally and to help lead people of all kind to make good choices. No matter what life gives you that’s is what you are stuck with and this freedom is not based upon if someone is Christian and believes in Jesus. Freedom is based on …show more content…

We have been discussing Christianity over the past few weeks and how the philosophy of it had a negative impact. Many of these Christians have been working hard to try and straighten out all the conflicts and confusion. Non-Christians started to become more accepting of the Christian religion making it easier for them to start to settle down in places and begin organizing their churches. These Christian ideas started to spread out worldwide to spread the word of God that was given to them in the Bible this helped people to start to have an understanding of human life on earth. The Christians began to understand the differences between belief vs. opinion, themselves vs. the nature around them, behaviors of right vs. wrong. This helped later Christians like nowadays understand the concepts of the world around them and to have motivation to engage in philosophical thought. Christianity was not based on the same foundations of other cultures therefore many culture did not understand it or relate to it. Lawhead explains “Augustine compared this to the Israelites stealing the goods of the Egyptians as they left for the Promised Land” (Lawhead 128). The Christian began to use other culture like the Pagains ideas of belief to shape Christianity and be able to reach diverse cultures to spread their beliefs. Yet, they were technically stealing it seemed like the right thing to do in the Christians eyes. The philosophical Christian ideas were largely based