The Mission Behind The Resident Officer Program Of Elgin

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“The mission behind the Resident Officer Program of Elgin (ROPE) is the belief that by working and living in a distressed neighborhood, the department will provide police service and be the stimulus that empowers the residents to problem solve, improve their quality of life, and independently take ownership of the neighborhood.”(2017). Elgin still has the ROPE program and ROPE officers. The officer next door program is still used as way to purchase a home. According to Dempsey and Forst, this program is meant to get officers to live in a low income housing area, in order have help that part of the community. (p.379) On top of that there were offers to other respective people to move into the neighborhood to help with that area. Some were emergency services, and firefighters, but like I was saying the officer next …show more content…

These officers were work their shift, and then stay on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The majority of the complaints in these rough neighborhoods were what you imagine they would be. A lot of drug activity and gang activity. Which is still an issue today, even in the city I live. However, by having a continuous police presence, you decrease the rate of crime, to where eventually your complaints, will be minor to you, but important to the complainant. Complaints, like speeding, loud music, and trespassing. Any time you have continuous police presence, crime will decrease. It will not happen overnight, over a week, but slowly things will change and folks will see you that they cannot continue to push drugs and gang activity in those neighborhoods. Even though the resident officer program still exists and is effective, and the officer next door program was effective, but not really in effect, you still have courtesy officers. Courtesy officers live in a apartment complex, condos, townhomes, lofts, or even

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