Angulo-Rios/Saavedra-Ramirez-Vasquez The Mixtape Mystery The party was a success. Angel, Ayleen, Daiana, and Seth were at Alex’s house, celebrating his 15th birthday. Everything was going as planned. He even had salsa and chips laid out. Alex sat at a table to the side, preparing for the moment everyone was waiting for, his mixtape. “Are you guys ready for some straight fuego?” he asks. Alex already had his computer ready. He set up his DJ stand and prepared to insert his mixtape. However, there was one thing missing. His mixtape! “Where they at though?” he asks the others as he frantically looked around for his mixtape. “I can’t find it. I swear, it was on the table earlier today. I think someone stole it,” he says, panic starting to rise in his voice. …show more content…
Although Alex released the bad news, Seth was still calm. He had clean clothes and a neat comb over, looking fresh and ready. “We need to retrace your steps. You said the mixtape was here right?” Seth asks, pointing at the table next to the DJ stand. Alex nods. Seth bent down and starts inspecting the table with keen interest. He observes that there were small, dried up red blotches of Tapatio™ on the table. “Interesting,” says Seth, “Alex, were you eating Tapatio™?” “No, I was too busy setting up the mixtape,” responds Alex. “Alright because I know Daiana and John don’t eat Tapatio™. They can’t handle the heat,” says Seth. Seth walks over to a couch and sat down, thinking about he had just discovered. “Okay, so you were practicing to play your mixtape before the party started. Correct?” he asks Alex. Alex nods. “Was anyone here while you were doing it?” Seth asks again. “I think Angel and Ayleen were here,” responds Alex, “they were the first ones I showed my mixtape to-” Alex’s voice was cut off by a burst of loud noises coming from his driveway. “Do you guys hear that?” asks Seth, “it sounds like