The 'Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein'

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Never judge a book by it’s cover. You cannot come to conclusions about who someone is based on their image. What’s on the outside may contradict what’s on the inside. Who someone is will always surprise if you immediately make assumptions because of how they look. That’s what happened in the novel “frankenstein” written by Mary Shelley. There was a monster that appeared to be horrifying. He was so ugly, he scared off his creator Victor. He was so ugly all the townspeople feared him and drove him into hiding. He was never given the chance to grow and be around people. He did not have the option of learning how to communicate with other people. People deemed him as a monster, creature, and inhumane all because of how he looked. But he is shown to be just as much as a human as everyone else.When …show more content…

He wanted to be able to love someone just like the family he watched. He watched them and felt the love they had and the feeling of abandonment. And with the feeling of abandonment came the feeling of anger, fury, and revenge. He did what any humane person would have done. He went out for revenge on the person he felt has wronged him. As any person would do, he hit Victor where it hurts. He killed everyone that Victor has loved out of spite and jealousy. He was so jealous that William and Elizabeth was loved by Victor. He knew that killing them was going to really set Victor over the edge. He was also lonely just as any human would be if they grew up isolated. He was so lonely and 2desperate for an companion, he asked Victor to make another monster like him. This is another reason he killed Victor’s loved ones. He did it for revenge. He wanted to get revenge on Victor for denying him his chance of a shot at love. A shot at happiness. A shot at feeling wanted and being treated as an equal to someone else. A shot at having someone who understands him like no one else ever