Montessori Method Research Paper

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Gabriela Martinez ECE 1A February 9, 2015 Montessori Method The Montessori method has a solid and accurate trajectory for over 90 years. According to Maria Montessori, children absorb as "sponges" all the information they require and need for their performance in daily life. The child learns to speak, write and read in the same way it does to crawl, walk, run, etc. With the Montessori method children learn to read, write, count and do sums before completing six years. The Montessori method has existed since 1907, when Maria Montessori created the first house "children" in Rome (Italy). Maria Montessori 's work was not only to develop a new way of teaching, but discover the life and help the child reach their potential as human beings. Seek …show more content…

The Absorbent Mind, Maria Montessori expressed particular sensitivity of the young child to observe and absorb everything in their immediate environment as the "absorbent mind." This is the unique ability of each child to take its environment and learn how to adapt to life. During these years, the sensitivities of the child leading to a link with the environment. In recent years, a love for the environment is absorbed in the child 's mind. The child 's ability to adapt itself to the environment depends what were successfully impressions at the time, so if you were healthy and positive, the child will fit in a healthy and positive way. Sensitive periods, this is the name that Dr. Montessori put the periods of the age at which the child has unusual abilities to acquire particular skills, as it is when attracting interest of the child to a specific part of their environment. Help these sensitivities that the child develops normally and acquires the characteristics necessary for their development into an adult. The prepared environment is an environment that has been carefully arranged for the child, to help you learn and grow. The atmosphere is formed by two factors the environment and the material prepared in such a way that unfold in it 's social, emotional, intellectual parts, testing, and moral needs of a child, but also meets the need of the child in the order and security, knowing that everything has its proper place. Attitudes of the adult, the adult is the link between the child and prepared environment, which aims to help children help themselves. Letting the child know that it is he who should love and respect, the adult helps the child build self-confidence. The child must be free to move and experience in the environment; the adult 's role is only to provide guidelines. The guides have a crucial role since they must transmit knowledge and educate