Climate Negotiation: A Case Study

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The climate negotiations aims to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, with a particular focus on CO2 emissions which is one the main threats to planet earth. The UNFCCC was opened for signature on 9 May 1992 is the apex body which takes a leading role in climate negotiations, which operates from Bonn in Germany. One of the most success full international agreement is the Montreal protocol which bodies the UNFCC can take inspiration from when it comes to combating global Climate Change even though the challenges are much tougher.
The Montreal Protocol was singned in 1987 and entered into forece in 1989.The aim of the …show more content…

drought in the Soviet Union, El Nino off Peru, a deficit moon soon in India in 1974,cold wave in brazil(1976).Many scientists accredited it to the increasing anthropogenic interferences to the natural ecosystems. The conference came up with the following conclusions. The conference came out with the following conclusions and recommendations. It stressed that the world climate programme proposed by the WMO deserves the strongest support of all nations, acknowledging that climate change is a global problem requires leadership and co-ordination among international bodies and close collaboration among nations. It noted that there is an immediate need for nations to use the existing knowledge regarding climate change and to enhance the knowledge so as to foresee and to prevent the man made changes to the …show more content…

Eighth World Meteorological Congress (Geneva, April/May 1979) agreed that, as the UN specialized agency for meteorology embracing both weather and climate, WMO should take the lead in promoting studies of climate variability and change and their implications for society and the environment (WMO, 1979(b)).
The establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (1988)
The IPCC was established under the world e United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 so as to provide the world with scientific knowledge regarding the current climate change scenario and it socio-economic and environmental effects on the globe. The body provides relevant balanced information, which is useful for policy makers for framing policies for climate change adaptation and mitigation, according to the latest reports. The body since its inception has made five assessment reports, according to the latest scientific information.
The IPCC has thousands of scientific personal who contribute towards the climate knowledge on a voluntary basis. It is an inter governmental body open to all member countries open to all member countries of the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization