
The Most Dangerous Game Analysis Essay

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Additional details that were not placed within peom This poem is a tribute to the wonderful short story, “The Most Dangerous Game,” written by Richard Connell. Within the story the reader follows around the character, Rainsford as he is put up against the General in a game of life and death. Within the poem, I refer to the General as ‘he,’ and Rainsford is nowhere to be seen for it follows around me on the island, ‘ship-trap.’ I reveal at the end of the poem that the poet is named Awe Jane, and she is Immortally Insane. Awe Jane is a character I have created out of myself, she is the one who is brave, willing to do anything to survive and is, well, insane. She is still me but I felt she better represented the wit and instinct I would go on …show more content…

I left out how Awe originally stumbles further into the island to be found by the General. I went into less detail about the General’s eyes. I removed plenty of dialogue and removed the description of what the General gave Awe to get started. I removed the description of how Awe ran at first. (Zigzagging and crossing over. I later added in the zigzagzig.) I removed the explanation of the Gunshots from the General when day breaks. I could’ve added the fact that the reason why Awe spreads mud on herself is so the dogs lose her scent. I left out the explanation of why Awe remained when the General was meters away from her. I also left out that she had remembered her route after running out of the mansion and how she watched the General move away from the water’s edge. I also abandoned how the General wore keys around his neck to open the door and cage to his dogs. I excluded Ivan and many other mentioned characters. I threw out that the General, after the third day, looked defeated maybe even pissed. I did not mention the snap of the sapling spring forward. I left out the General’s dialogue of him begging for mercy. I also originally used my name instead of Awe Jane. The earlier version of the poem wasn’t really a poem at all, it was more of a story in a poem

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