The Most Dangerous Game Research Paper

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"The Most Dangerous Game" statement of The world is made up of two classes -- "the hunters and the huntees" is a great statement that makes sense. The Most Dangerous Game is about a man named Zaroff who lives on an island by himself. The people that come to the island get trained to get ready for the game. The game involves people going through the jungle, hiding from Zaroff as he hunts them. Both the hunters and the huntees have a different view on the conflict. They both need to accomplish a different goal to pursue. The statement makes sense because the hunters have a different view on the game than the huntees. The hunters need to know what to do when to hunt, and how to hunt. Many hunters have different ways of hunting. Hunters are also different from the way their mood is toward playing the game. The hunters don 't need to worry about getting hunted or caught by their predator. They aren 't going to be scared when the game starts. They don 't need to worry about being hunted. Also, …show more content…

Them both, the hunters and huntees are both very smart. During the game they both have intelligent minds on how to pursue their goal. The hunters goal is to catch, and or kill the huntee. The goal of the huntee is to get away from the hunter. They both need to focus on different things. Also, our both focusing to accomplish a different goal. Hunters are tring to catch the the huntees, and the huntees are trying to survive from not getting caught or killed. The statement of The world is made up of two classes -- "the hunters and the huntees" is a great statement in general. The overall idea is that their are two kinds of people in this world, the hunters and the huntees. Both have a different view on their own way of life. This statement is a great statement to live by. It shows that people are different, and so are their point of views. Many people could read this statement and think that this is the basic meaning of life. It gives many good ideas for an overall view of