A Decision That Changed My Life Essay

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Most people can pinpoint a crucial moment in their life that changed their outlook on life. Sometimes that one moment is a single decision that nobody would have thought could change their life so greatly. For some people, instead of just one choice, it is a chain of decisions that lead to the moment. Some people do not have control over the decision to cause the moment no matter how much they want it. Life changing events almost always mark the beginning of a new era in someone’s life. I knew a new era had begun for me when a documentary made by me and two friends was nominated for a Student Emmy.
As a rising freshman, I was clueless as to what my focus area would be. I randomly selected broadcasting even though I did had no idea what I would …show more content…

Regardless of how much time and effort I put into them, none of my videos were turning out the way that I wanted them to. So I started trying new things like shooting basketball games and theater productions to keep my grades up. I continued my filmmaking cold streak until winter break. At the beginning of the second semester I decided I would try a few after school classes to sharpen my film skills. Around the same time, I started working on a documentary with Casey, who would go on to be an intern for the broadcast program next year, and Jake, who is basically a musical prodigy. The topic of the documentary was the Women 's March in Nashville. On the day of the March me and Casey went into Nashville and filmed of March and interviewed some people who were walking in it. It was a good day of filming but we felt that we could use one more interview, so Casey set up an interview with the person who organized the March. As we begin to put it all together, Jake put in some original music he made just to suit the tone of the documentary. We finished it up and submitted it to multiple county and state level competitions, and I finally had a project that year that I was proud of. The next project that was assigned was a stop-motion animation, and I decided I would do it alone. I spent more time and resources on the stop motion that I had any other project before, unfortunately I missed the due date by