The Movie Contagion Virus

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Viruses are all over the world and can travel around the world quicker than you or I can. Since viruses travel so quick it is difficult for humans to get ahead of an outbreak. The movie Contagion is a good example of how quick viruses can spread. In the movie a character named Beth is traveling home from China and soon after arriving home she dies due to unknown reason. When the CDC looks further into Beths death the notice that others from around the world have died in the same manner and had the same side effects as Beth. Once they noticed that their deaths are not a coincidence they start to worry and trace Beths steps to see if the victims crossed paths. . It turns out that the virus started in China from a butcher who did not wash his hands, instead he wiped his hands on apron, after slaughtering a pig. The pig got the virus from bat dropping and the bat got the virus from banana. To think that it all could have been prevented by good hygiene and proper hand washing. In the movie there are a number of characters who reacted differently. Three of the characters whom I thought handled the situation in positive or negative ways were Mitch Emhoff, Dr. Leonora Orantes, and Alan Krumweide. The movie shows how each character deals with stress of the virus in their life, in the field of surgical technologist there are many of the …show more content…

One of the major stressors as a surgical technologist is to maintain surgical sanitation standards (Qualities and Requirements of a Surgical Technologist ). In the operating room one can come in contact with diseases, sights or odors so there is little room for error (Qualities and Requirements of a Surgical Technologist). The best way to deal with the stress is to practice safety and sanitation standards and to communicate with team members when you something