The Murder Of Hansel And Gretel's Cruel

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Hansel and Gretel did not commit the crimes of aggravated battery, criminal mischief, and petit theft. Instead, Mrs Crueller, (emphasize Cruel in Crueller) has attacked Hansel and Gretel, by trying to push them into the oven, and now she is blaming all the damage on the victims Hansel and Gretel. Hansel and Gretel were abandoned by their parents in Hexville only a week before the incident. She claims that they smashed her gingerbread houses on the ground but why would they? Hansel was looking for a job, not for trouble. Hansel and Gretel have absolutely no motive in attacking Mrs, Crueller. They are barely surviving on their own, why would they go out of their way to hurt a total stranger? Mrs. Crueller’s false side of the story just doesn't