The Muslim Empire: The Islamic Golden Age

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The Islamic Empire began in the 600s, and some extensions of the empire lasted until the early 1900s. The Empire spread over Africa, Europe, and Asia, and had a thriving culture. The Golden Age was a time where the culture and knowledge in the empire was thriving. Advances in science and math, the growth of art, and expanding medical knowledge all contributed the the prosperous era in Islam. These cultural achievements help characterize the Islamic golden age.

Medical advancements and knowledge played a major role in the prosperity of Islam. In paragraph one, line one, it states that Muslim doctors studied the works and achievements from many other cultures. Studying other culture’s advancements in the medical field helped propel Islamic medical knowledge forward by combining ideas from multiple cultures. Using this combined knowledge, in paragraph two, line one, Muslim doctors discover that bacteria is the source of infection. Doctors were able to use this knowledge to better understand diseases, and to treat and cure infected people. These advancements lead to a healthier society, and meant …show more content…

In paragraph two, lines three to five, muslim scholars used many works from greek astrologers to develop a system of longitude and latitude. This major leap in navigational advances would influence future astrologers and travelers, as well as helping the current travelers go to more places, without getting lost. Another mathematical advancement is in paragraph four, lines five and six. The development of algebra in 830 was thanks to Muhammad Al- Khwarizmi. His mathematical concepts shows how Muslim scholars were able to gather knowledge from many cultures and put it together to create concepts. Algebra is still a major concept used to this day, and this major jump in mathematical ways of thinking made Islam a very intelligent, and admirable