The Nacirema's Beliefs About The Human Body

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(1) What are the Nacirema’s beliefs about the human body? a. First, write down the direct quotations regarding beliefs. Be sure to use quotation marks and note page numbers.
“The fundamental belief underlying the whole system appears to be that the human body is ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease.” (pg. 503)
b. Next, write the beliefs using your own words.
The Nacirema’s believe the human body is fragile and ugly, similar to how society views the human body today. The Nacirema and modern society’s view of one’s self revolves around self-image. Societal norms are centered around maintaining health through a series of unfavorable rituals. (2) What is the role of the Holy-Mouth Men in Nacirema society? How do they address cultural beliefs about the human body? a. First, write down the direct quotations regarding …show more content…

Next, write down information about their role using your own words. Essentially, medicine men in Nacireman society are doctors. They must be paid special gifts in order to be told which medicines to take, and patients visit the medicine men’s “latipso” regularly, many not receiving proper treatment even after many substantial gift offerings. The latipso ceremonies are defined as “so harsh” that patients rarely recover. This concept relates to American patients paying absurd fees to go to hospitals, but not receiving proper treatment and still being left to pay the bill for the service. (4) What is the role of the Listeners in Nacirema society? How do they address cultural beliefs about the human body? a. First, write down the direct quotations regarding their role. Be sure to use quotation marks and note page numbers.
“This witch doctor has the power to exorcise the devils that lodge in the heads of people who have been bewitched… The patient simply tells the “listener” all his troubles and fears, beginning with the earliest difficulties he can remember.” (pg.