The Naked Citadel Analysis

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People can be easily influenced by others to be something that they are not. They tend to adhere to societal norms to fit in rather than being true to their own identity. Leslie Bell, author of “Selections from Hard to Get: Twenty- Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom,” speaks about how women are perplexed about the role they should play in a relationship because society and loved ones give two contradicting ideas on how they should behave. Similarly, Susan Faludi presents how society’s perception of cadets are different from reality in “The Naked Citadel,” as men at the Citadel attempt to validate their masculinity by degrading the underclassmen through physical abuse and gender swapping practices. In “The Mind’s Eye,” Oliver Sacks gives several different examples on how the blind are still capable of seeing the world despite the misconception that they are unable to see at all, whether it’d be keeping their visual imagery or choosing to completely part with it. All three texts demonstrate how people can be influenced by society to try and conform to their norms or go against them. People tend to follow societal norms because those who go against them may be seen as abnormal. They feel pressured to meet societal expectations, however in the attempt to meet them they realize that they are not definite. The expectations society has for people can sometimes contradict one’s loved ones and lifestyle, which leaves them confused but ultimately helps them better