The Negative Effects Of Electronic Devices And Online Access

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People will use technology more than enjoying nature and that is not okay for the human body being active having fun outside. People check their phones close to 100 times a day people need to stop! Electronic devices and online access don’t improve people’s lives. One reason electronic devices and online access don’t improve people’s lives is, electronics can cause bad feelings or physical harm. One example of this is from “That’s Not Progress” in paragraph 9 it states “Electronics can cause depression, anxiety, and low self confidence.” The reason that this text is important is that it shows that Electronic are bad and can harm the human body as a whole. Another example is also from “That’s Not Progress” in paragraph 7 it states “There is loss of sleep due to electronics” This example is important because this can harm not just your body but your future, your grades might go down because the loss of sleep. The last example is from the text “Is Are Gain… Also Are Loss?” In paragraph 6 it is saying, We don’t get to be as active as a family go as many places do as many things. This can harm family’s which is not good for the future. These are all reasons that technology can harm you in negative ways. The second reason electronic devices and online access don’t improve people’s lives is, we can rely on technology way to much when the technology can fail. People might go against this claim saying in “The Internet of Things” it says Technology can work on your time frame and