
Effects Of Smoking Essay

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Effects of Smoking
Be brighter and drop that lighter! Cigarettes have been around for several decades. They come in many forms such as hookah pipes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and herbal cigarettes which do not contain tobacco, but are still just as lethal. No matter what form of cigarette someone is smoking, the smoker is taking deadly toxins into their body. In an interview with Tommy Klein, he stated that “most of my friends and I started smoking around age 15” (Klein). This shows that smoking starts young. Just from smoking, the smoker can reduce his or her life by fifty-five days per pack of cigarettes they smoke. The negative effects of smoking on the average human are health risks, the financial toll, and smoking can harm others around the …show more content…

The most well-known cause of smoking is cancer. Cancer can come in many forms such as cancer of the mouth, the esophagus, skin, lungs, and the pancreas. Cancer in the mouth and esophagus can cause a problem that leads to loss of taste, a decrease of tongue and jaw movement, and may also cause one’s teeth to fall out. Cancer of the skin can lead to diseases that lead to rashes. Cancer that forms in the lungs is the most common and also the deadliest. When there is cancer in the lungs it can lead to breathing problems. Therefore, because of the breathing problems, there is a lack of oxygen in the lungs. Oxygen is needed in the cardiovascular system. Since there is a lack of oxygen in the lungs and bloodstream, this can be fatal. There can also be poisoning from nicotine in the bloodstream which can also cause death. The cardiovascular system can also suffer heart failure from smoking. Heart failure is when the heart fails to function properly and it is often the cause of death. Cancer in the pancreas is often the most lethal because it is not often caught early. Pancreatic cancer is usually caught in the advanced stages which by then, it is too difficult to control. The pancreas is useful because it helps break down enzymes. Pancreatic enzymes help to break down fats and carbohydrates. Since the pancreas has cancer, therefore, it can not break down the proteins for the stomach. It can then have harmful side …show more content…

Smoking can lead to many problems in the mouth. One problem is that smoking can cause teeth to fall out and tooth decay. Smokers lose their teeth because they develop periodontal (gum) disease. Bacteria from smoking can get under a smoker’s teeth and into their gums. In minor cases, the only problems will be discomfort in the mouth and bleeding teeth. Overall, if the gum disease is not treated, cancer can develop in the mouth. Smoking can also lead to staining of the teeth. The tar and tobacco make direct contact with the teeth. Accordingly, the teeth will turn a yellow-brown color, or in extreme cases may turn the teeth a blackish-grey color. Smoking may also result in the smoker having bad breath. The bad breath will not go away no matter how much brushing the smoker does to try to get rid of or hide the bad breath. A smoker obtains bad breath because of the tobacco chemicals released when someone smokes a cigarette. The mouth is then a breeding ground for bacteria and germs to form. Therefore, that can also lead to periodontal disease. Smoking can also lead to mouth sores and mouth ulcers. An ulcer is a break in the skin where there is a loss of tissue and there is often pus. These ulcers form for many reasons. One reason is that of the periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has many effects that were already explained such as bleeding gums, the discomfort of the teeth and gums, and the loss of teeth, but

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