Environmental Effects Of Technology On The Environment

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Technology surrounds the world, and in some cases, it binds society together. If people let technology dominate, that gives us, as humans, no power. Society wants to believe that they are in control and machines are just a tool that is used to assist in daily life. However, technology has enslaved mankind. Advancements in science have developed throughout the history of the world. At first, humans emerged and created speaking tools and language skills about 1,400 generations ago. Moving through many years to two hundred generations ago, writing skills was first developed, using various different symbols and letters from their language. Using the writing skills that were evolved, books were devised to display ideas across the world just twenty …show more content…

There are very few vigilant barriers protecting habitats and threatened species. As Anne Whittaker and David C. Morley said, “...the ESA is the only effective measure preventing the complete annihilation of endangered species,” “industrial effects of modernization and technological advancement” (2) is causing the destruction of habitats, and the only protection of this is the Endangered Species Act. Without this piece of legislation, the environmental consequences of mechanization would cause the complete extinction of multiple species because technology has created a harmful environment for animals. Society needs to have “stronger and sustained intervention [which] will help to balance environmental conservation and industrialization in the future” (Whittaker and Morley 2). Additionally, industrialization and human involvement are damaging ecosystems with new industries. Many companies display the idea that it is acceptable to alter the landscape of inhabited land. However, innovative ways to receive resources have disturbed the environment “by mining companies, oil spills, and the waste and pollution created by human industry” (Whittaker and Morley 2). This idea demonstrates how advancements in technology and industry are causing fragile ecosystems to crumble by crippling habitats and making them less endurable. …show more content…

Technological advancements are causing more people to become oblivious to the health triangle, physical, social, and mental health. Physical health is being damaged by innovations when “everyone wants to stay indoors and watch Netflix and other things, and they do not want to go outside and be active” (“Science”). With most wanting to use new technology, they wish to remain in the house and not participate in physical activities; as a result of this, people are becoming unhealthy in the physical aspect of the health triangle. With society being inactive throughout the years, obesity rates have risen from 30.5 percent in 1999-2000 to 37.7 percent in 2013-2014 (“Obesity”). Obesity rates have accelerated with the introduction of new inventions in the technology world during the twenty-first century. This indicates that the physical side of the health triangle is heavily damaged by advancements in