The Negative Impact Of The Vietnam War On The United States

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The Vietnam War was a harsh time in history that impacted the United States greatly with many negative effects on the economy, society, and political aspects of the country. During the time of the early 60s, the United States pushed to get involved in the Vietnam war and the main goal was to prevent communism from spreading any further in surrounding Asian countries. Over the course of the war and the time the U.S. spent in Vietnam, conflict began to arise for the country and the trust people had in their own country. Problems during the war made a deep impact on the country and left great effects that still exist to this day. The economy, society, and politics were all altered due to the war in both negative and positive ways. President Lyndon B. Johnson was elected into office as the 36th President of the United States and strived to help out the country. Creating a new society to repair the damage was a priority for …show more content…

President Johnson wanted to achieve peace and positivity in the U.S. and created his Great Society. He wanted to make an effort for many of the problems in the country like civil rights, poverty, education, and many more. When Johnson was assigned into office, he used his first three years into his presidency to make improvements on the Civil Rights Movement, Medicare, helping the environment, and poverty to expand major legislation (Lawrence 1). Even though there was conflict in Vietnam, President Johnson strived to help out the country and made sure to speak out against the major problems going on at the time in the U.S. This Great Society also competed with the war measures with the Vietnam War and made Americans and “baby boomers” start distrusting government authorities (Mintz/McNeil 4). Johnson’s plan caused different opinions for people. Some thought of it as a great doing and others were afraid to trust it as it seemed too good to be