Was Lyndon B Johnson A Good Thing For The American People Essay

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In particular, Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency overall was a good thing for the American People. “Johnson was a man with great political skills, and it was through him that the nation made its most significant attempt to expand the American welfare state.” In fact, Johnson himself grew up poor from Texas. Therefore, making him more ambitious to expand education and end poverty. Moreover, “Johnson called for America to become a Great society, where no child will go unfed and no youngster will go unschooled.” He promised to make great outcomes for American people and that is why he truly won the election of November 1996. Johnson asked the congress to pass the Civil Rights Act to honor the memory of Kennedy. He was a man of great integrity, who truly wanted to end poverty and increase the …show more content…

Shelter, supplies, and adequate clothing were seriously lacked. When the congress passed the Economy Opportunity Act many great opportunities opened up to the American people. “The EOC compromised a number of agencies and programs, including head start, Volunteers in Service to America, work training programs, and Job Corps.” All programs helped the people in need by helping them financially and giving an advantage for education. Furthermore, Johnson was not finished, he kept accessing more programs to ensure rights and opportunities to all the people. The Elementary and Secondary School Act was passed, which gave money to school districts depending on the number of students living in poverty, giving them a better education with many significant things to access. Another Act that helped the educational status was the Educational Opportunity Act, which granted a better education through programs. Lyndon Johnson gave many opportunities to the American people making his presidency a