The New Deal Dbq Essay

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In 1929, the United States stock prices dropped drastically, leaving farmers without farms, banks out of business, and businesses bankrupt. This was the start of the Great Depression. The Great Depression affected the whole country, leaving many unemployed and impoverished. The Depression lasted for a whole decade. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States. He knew that many severe changes needed to occur within the country. Roosevelt took many actions to raze the Great Depression, and help most, if not all, affected by the Depression. He established many different programs that would benefit the people of the nation. These programs are known as The New Deal. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s responses to the Great Depression …show more content…

Roosevelt managed to accomplish many things and help the nation through the Depression. According to Document D, FDR was willing to try an abundance of methods to stop the Great Depression, and help people rebuild their businesses and lives. These methods, part of the New Deal, ranged from restarting businesses to reopening banks. During the Great Depression, almost all groups of people were being affected by the negative impact of the country’s economic loss. The New Deal was designed to help homeowners, farmers, senior citizens, young people, business owners, and many others. Some of these programs included the FLSA, or Fair Labor Standards Act, the FDIC, or Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the TVA, or the Tennessee Valley Authority. One program that was created as part of the New Deal, that is also still around today, is the SSA, or Social Security Administration. The SSA, per Document E, is a program that provides a monthly check to people 65 years and older. The program was created for this age range, especially, to help those who are retired or disabled. This program was created in 1935, 6 years after the Depression began, and 3 years after Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected. The SSA, as well as many other programs under the New Deal, are still around today, helping to keep people of all occupations, on their