
The Notebook And Alzheimers Comparison

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Alzheimer’s There comes a time when we all get old. The lucky ones are able to cherish and retain the many memories of the years gone by. Unfortunately, sometimes when we become old our minds begin to wither away. Our minds become less sharp and we lose the memories of our youth. The poem Alzheimer’s by Kelly Cherry and the film the Notebook, both share the same theme of character’s suffering from the disease called Alzheimer’s. Each tell a different story, but they do have some similarities when it comes to the disease. Both the poem and the movie use flashbacks and brief glimpses into the past to give an insight into the character’s and allow the reader to observe the relationship between the person suffering from Alzheimer’s and their family members. The characters from both the poem and the movie have to deal with their own conflicts and struggles centering around …show more content…

Throughout her poem, Cherry gives us quick glimpses as to what the man with Alzheimer’s finds familiar and contrasts it to him not recognizing his wife to show the emotional devastation the disease can take on people including their loved ones. The reader of the poem can place themselves in the wives’ position and understand the pain she must be going through. The flashback scenes in contrast to the present-day scenes of The Notebook give us the same insight as we watch the character suffering from Alzheimer’s have small moments of familiarity. Through this we can understand the emotional pain and struggle loved ones feel as they watch their loved ones mentally slip away. Both the poem and the movie take the observer on an emotional journey as they understand just what it is the loved ones are missing out on and what those suffering from Alzheimer’s have no idea on what they have lost from the

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