The Number Four In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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Hawthorne uses symbolism throughout the story to explore moral and spiritual issues taking the character young Goodman Brown on a journey from innocence and faith to the dark side of distrust and evil. The elder (the devil) who carries the staff could be considered the leader in the story as he takes Brown into the woods in an attempt to lead him astray or away from faith and innocence. Young Goodman Brown makes the personal choice to go into the woods, which is an individual decision with consequences. This action led to his fall even if it was helped by the devil. In the beginning of the story, Young Goodman Brown describes his father and grandfather as being religious and having high moral character which indicates how his society values the traits. A transgression occurs when the good and bad people are mixed together at the ceremony …show more content…

The significance of four in the Navajo story is unclear however; it is prominent in all aspects of the Navajo culture. There are four Holy People, four colors, four mountains, four directions, and the list goes on, additionally, specific events occurred four times. All of this comes from a culture that has great respect for nature, which might indicate that the number four is related to the cycles of the year. The Navajo Creation Story is full of myths and the practice of worshiping many gods.
The metaphors that John Winthrop uses in “A Model of Christian Charity”, specifically relate to religion and the ideals of community and unity. The metaphors consistently point to one God that the Puritans worshiped. I do not believe that there is a gateway between these two examples. There is however, some relationship to a specific number in Christina beliefs, but it is the number three, rather than four with the number three representing the Blessed Trinity, specifically in the Catholic faith.