The Odyssey Comparison Essay

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Introduction: The Odyssey, the book I am writing my report on is a graphic novel by Gareth Hinds, which is based on Homer’s epic poem. This adaptation of The Odyssey includes vivid images in each page, hooking me immediately to the book, though it is easier, I would say it is less descriptive than other adaptations. Greek Mythology with all of its stories and creatures such as the Cyclops, Scylla, and the Sirens has never ceased to intrigue me.

Setting: The Odyssey takes place in Greece, but mostly around the islands of the Mediterranean Sea in the 12th-century B.C. In The Odyssey we follow Odysseus’ 10 year struggle to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan war.

Characters: Odysseus, is the protagonist of the Odyssey. Odysseus …show more content…

Odysseus trapped on the island of Ogygia with the beautiful nymph Calypso, who imprisoned him as she possessed love for him, but was freed by the will of Zeus and Athena through Hermes. Setting sail on his handcrafted raft from Ogygia, Odysseus is stuck down by Poseidon, for blinding his son Polyphemus. Telemachus, with the help from Athena journey to Pylos and Sparta, there he learns Odysseus is still alive, and plans to return home, and back in Ithaca the suitors and Antioos plan to kill him as he returns. Athena saves Odysseus from Poseidon’s wrath, where he washes on the shore of Scheria, home of the Phaeacians. There he is welcomed by Nausicaa, the Phaeacian princess of the island Phaeacia, which is ruled by her father King Alcinoos. Odysseus tells his stories to the Phaeacians, who gave him a safe passage home to Ithaca. Odysseus shares his adventures to the Land of Lotus Eaters, getting trapped in Polyphemus’ cave, having his men turned into pigs by Circe, journeying into the underworld for directions home, getting lured by sirens, his fight with Scylla and Charybdis, and his crew eating the cattle of Helios, which led him to his imprisonment with