The Odyssey Summary

504 Words3 Pages

The Odyssey

Garrison Bair

The story begins ten years after the fall of the city of Troy. Odysseus, hero of Troy, has still not been able to return home. Telemachus, son of Odysseus, is at home desperately trying to throw out suitors that are courting his mother. One suitor, Antinous, plans to assassinate the young prince, eliminating the only thing stopping their reign over Ithaca. Without the suitors knowledge Odysseus is still alive but trapped on the island Ogygia by Calypso. Without the help of a crew Odysseus is trapped here for two years. Athena, Odysseus’s strongest benefactor among the gods, decides to help Telemachus, upon taking a disguise of mentor who was a friend of Odysseus’s dad. She than convinces Telemachus to call an assembly at which he reproves the suitors. Telemachus also embarked upon a journey to find Odysseus’s fate amongst some of Odysseus’s war allies. …show more content…

Once arriving at the Phoenicians shores he is brought to their village by none other than the princess of Phoenicia herself. Once being very kind to take in Odysseus the Phoenician king holds a great feast in respect of his well behaved and handsome visitor. At one point during the celebrations Odysseus is asked to tell the king his name and his story of his journey. Odysseus spends the night describing in great detail the chain of events that lead him there. He tells of his trip to the land of the lotus eaters, his battle with Polyphemus, his quarrel with the goddess Circe, his encounter with the deadly sirens, his journey to Hades and back to seek the council of Tiresias and even his fight with a sea monster named Scylla. Upon finishing the story the Phoenicians return Odysseus home as promised prior to the