The Odyssey Word Burst Analysis

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use the word "burst" instead of "came inside". Since the word burst had a connotation of urgency, the word was chosen to help create intensity. Diction contributes to the overall tone of the author and the mood of the reader.
29. doppelganger- a twin, shadow, or mirror image of a character. For example, in Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol Scrooge comes in contact with his future self, which inspires him to make changes to his present life.
30. editorial "we"- using "we" simply to avoid being too personal or specific as to who is narrating. For example "As for this column, we will have nothing to do with the shady politicians."
31. ellipsis- using "..." to omit part of a story or sentence or when a word or phrase is left out. For …show more content…

epic- an extended narrative poem that celebrates the feats of a legendary or tragic hero. Homer's The Odyssey is a famous example of an epic. It is a long poem center around the feats of the hero, Odysseus.
34. epigram- a rhetorical device that is memorable, short, intriguing, and shocking; a satirical statement; a short satirical poem. For example, Catherine the Great said, "If you can't be a good example, you'll just have to be a horrible warning."
35. epiphany- a symbol in which a character realizes what has happened. For example, in Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451, Montag says, "Beatty wanted to die," realizing in that moment something he never did before.
36. epithet- describes a place, thing, or person in such a way that it makes its characteristics more prominent than they really are. For example, "Kind-hearted Julia held open the door for me once."
37. ethos- an ethical appeal based on the character of the speaker
38. expressionism- an anti-realism movement that occurred in Germany; as a result authors began to write about characters' feelings towards situations that occurred. For example, in The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, the main character, who wakes up as a bug, details the characters feelings about