The Opposite Of The United Methodist Church

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According to the official website of the United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Church was created on April 23, 1968, when The Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Methodist Church united to form a new denomination. However, Methodism dates back to 1736 and it was founded by John and Charles Wesley. Methodism represents a branch of Protestant Christianity that traces its heritage back to John Wesley and his attempts to bring revival within the Church of England in the early 18th century C.E. Methodism spread rapidly throughout the United States in the late 18th and early 19th centuries through itinerant preachers. Since then, Methodist missionaries, focusing on both evangelism and service, have taken Methodism throughout the world. …show more content…

To fulfill this obligation, we reflect critically on our biblical and theological inheritance, striving to express faithfully the witness we make in our own time.” Methodism has many of the basic Protestant Christian beliefs, such as the inspiration and authority of scripture for faith and practice, the doctrines of the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus, and the necessity of grace to save humans from the consequences of sin. According to BBC, there are Methodist Churches in nearly every country in the world and global membership numbers are about 70 million people. However, the largest Methodist congregation in the world is the 120,000 member Kumnan Church in Seoul, Korea. The interesting fact that I found is that when disaster strikes anywhere on earth, United Methodists provide safe harbor to their sisters and brothers. Like other Christian churches, The United Methodist Church celebrates the special days of the Christmas season, including Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, and the Easter …show more content…

Thus, Islam is the youngest of the great world religions. The prophet Muhammad introduced Islam in 610 A.D. after experiencing what he asserted to be an angelic visitation. Isamm was developed by Muhammad until he died. Afterwards, Muhammad's father-in-law, Abu Bakr, was named the khalifa or "Successor" of Muhammad. Islam, which literally means "surrender" or "submission," was founded as an expression of surrender to the will of Allah; therefore, Muslims have a faith in Allah , and they believe Allah is one, eternal, creator, and sovereign. Compared to Christianity, Islam has some similarities but important differences. Like Christianity, Islam is monotheistic. However, Muslims refuse the Trinity that God revealed Himself as one in three Persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Furthermore, Muslims affirm that Jesus was one of the most important prophets, not God’s Son. Islam claims that Jesus, although born of a virgin, was created such as Adam. Islam is the second largest religion in the world with following by about 1.6 billion people from different continents, which is about 1/5 of the world’s population. The highest number of Muslims is found in the Asia-Pacific region, followed by the Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and the Americas. According to a 2011 report from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, the Asia-Pacific region is home to 62