The Original Declaration Of Independence Essay

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“The Original Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson” What is separation between church and state? Is it just a phase that people throw away or does it have actual meaning? The separation of church and state is a concept defining the distance in the relationship between organized religion and the nation state. In a letter written by Thomas Jefferson about the First Amendment to the Constitution, he writes that believing in religion is a matter that should lie solely between man and God. He continues by saying that American people declared that the legislature should no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibit anyone from exercising religion. For years and years, there has always been an argument about separation of church and state, mainly about who is right or wrong and whether there should be the separation between church and state. With the coming of a new president will things change with this discussion or will there always be at wall between church …show more content…

The disagreement is whether the separation of church and state ever even existed. There are two main principal interpretations of the no establishment principle: the accommodationist and separationist. Accommodationist believe that with the no establishment principle, the founders intended to prohibit a “national church”; with this the government, could not single out only one church or tradition for aid or favoritism. The separationist on the other hand is naturally the opposite. They feel as though government must maintain a stance of neutrality between religions and between religion and nonreligion (Flowers, p. 328). Due to the fact, that both sides of the debate refer to the writers of the Declaration of Independence, this debate is often referred as the debate over “original