
The Outsiders Character Analysis Essay

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Ponyboy Curtis is an interesting character worthy of analysis. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy is a character who wants a better life for himself and his brothers. Ponyboy wants a life in the country away from the city. He is very bright, caring, and outgoing, unlike the greasers he hangs out with. Ponyboy also wants to keep his family together and stable. The greasers or “outsiders” could give Ponyboy good life advice. He is caught up in a legal battle over the murder of a Soc. This forces him to evaluate who he is as a person. Ponyboy is an exciting character who needs advice, and some questions could be asked of this character.
Though several qualities of Ponyboy are important to discuss, I want to focus on his most interesting ones first. He is strange compared to the greasers because of how trustworthy he is (Hinton 62). However, the way he acts, the way he thinks, and his writings show how unique he is from the rest of the greasers (77). This idea is more flushed out in his conversation with Cherry about the sunset (129). The conversation they share tells how insightful Ponyboy can be. Another idea that is expanded on is how willing he is to talk to Randy ( 116 ). This interaction shows how Ponyboy is willing to listen to the soc's point of view. This also allows him to grow as a person and …show more content…

One piece of advice could be to check his surroundings and keep his head on a swivel. He needs this because he got jumped at the beginning of the story (5). I would also tell him to stay true to himself and not be influenced by the other greasers. This is shown when Johnny tells him to stay gold (148). The last piece of advice one could give Ponyboy is to not judge a book by its cover. This is because of Randy who was a soc but ended up not being a bad person (116). Since Ponyboy is not perfect, he could use some advice to improve his

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