The Pentangle In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Through the use of symbolism Pearl-Poet successfully enhances the text by providing a unique perspective of the pentangle, in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. At this point in time, Sir Gawain is bound to fulfill his promise to find the Green Knight, after he was given a 12-month time span. Before his departure, he was given a shield with a pentangle in the middle, and a painting of the Virgin Mary inside. With these two objects combined, he was believed to have a successful journey. The pentangle is described as a five-pointed star where, “each line is linked and locked with the next, forever and ever... and hence it is called the endless knot” (628-630). Throughout history, the pentangle has been used as a ‘map’ where according to Dr. Warren, “the five corners are where the seeds of Chronos are placed within Earth”. The pentangle is also believed to be used as a symbol of recognition, in Neoplatonism. …show more content…

That all his force was founded on the five joys that the high Queen of heaven had in her child.” (640-645) Sir Gawain was the first to make the connection of the five points of the star with the five joys of Mary in Christ and the five wounds of Christ, therefore providing a unique perspective of the pentangle. Furthermore, the author was also the first to connect the idea of the essential five virtues a knight must have to the pentangle, which according to Pearl Poet are; generosity, friendship, chastity, courtesy, and compassion, “Now all these five fives were confirmed in this knight.” (655) Putting further emphasis on the idea that Sir Gawain was going to have a successful journey. Moreover, the idea of the “endless knot” (630) was given further emphasis by Pearl Poet as he successfully connected all the virtues in a way that each depend on one another. Where one cannot be left alone,