Domains Of Personality Development

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Introduction The American Psychology Association defines personality as the differences among people with reference to their characteristics, their ways in thinking, their behavioral patterns and their experiencing of emotions and feelings. More so, the study of personality focuses on two extensive areas: the first being, the comprehension of individual differences in a particular personality feature such as irritability or sociability. The other being a comprehension of how all the various parts of an individual come together to make a whole (American Psychology Association, 2016). What I wish to achieve with this assignment is a better understanding of my personality development and what forces might have contributed towards the person I …show more content…

The first domain is dispositional; which refers to the ways in which all individuals are different from one another. The second being the biological domain; this refers to the collection of all biological systems and how they stipulate the establishment of emotions, behaviours and thoughts. The third domain is the intra-psychic domain, this refers to the assumption that an individuals personality if formed due to the conflict between the demands of society and the individuals basic needs. The fourth domain is the Cognitive/Experiential domain that places emphasis on an individual cognition and subjective experiences such as beliefs, desires and feelings. The fifth domain is the social and cultural domain; this is based on the assumption that an individual’s personality is not only derived from the nervous system and the brain but also from our cultural and social experiences. The sixth domain is the adjustment domain, this refers to the fact that an individuals personality play a major part in how the individual can adjust, adapt and cope with the events in his/her daily live (Larse & Buss, …show more content…

I personally believe in order for me to be a wonderful Occupational Therapist one day and for me to positively impact and changes my patient lives I have to have a big heart, I need to be understanding and creative. However I need to be strong because someone time one does not always get the results or the outcome that you have hoped for but this should not effect or change the way I am. I learnt that I do sometimes hide who I really am because I am a people pleaser and I want everyone to like me, I have however learnt throughout this year that it is impossible to always please everyone and not everyone will like you and that is okay because everyone has a different personality and we have all been through challenges and situations that have shaped us into the people that we are. If we all were the same life would be boring and there would be no point to life. After all according to Weinberg and Gould personality refers to the characteristics or blends of characters that make each individual unique (Weinberg & Gould,