
The Pied Piper Tscon Analysis

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Why do people enjoy acting out of character? This is a question that many don’t often think about and can’t usually understand why. In a world where extreme confidence is key to succeed, and talking is much more common than listening, being a shy, skeptical introvert can often be frustrating for me. It’s boring heading into each day knowing that I’m most likely not gonna say much to anyone and mostly mind my own business. While people know me as the kind of person I portrayed, I also have this hidden side that isn’t seen too often. When I am playing a sport or anything that requires physical activity I become somebody that I find much more exciting. I get this extreme feeling of confidence and let everyone around me know it. My usual nervousness …show more content…

In the story “The Pied Piper of Tuscon” author Don Moser shares this non fictional story about a serial killer named Charles Schmid who had a side that didn’t follow the norm that people would usually expect. Even though people might have interpreted the story differently, Schmid’s main personality wasn’t a cold blooded killer. Moser would actually portray him as a sensitive, generous, hero to less fortunate and lonely kids. Moser quotes “to the bored and the lonely, to the dropout and the delinquent, to the young girls with beehive hairdos and tight pants they didn’t quite fill out, and to the boys with acne and no jobs, to these people, Smitty was a kind of folk hero”(pg 201). Smitty’s alter ego was one that only he could comprehend. He could go from helping a less fortunate kid, to beating a woman to death with a rock. This other side was basically a fantasy that he was living in where he could express how he felt and not worry about the consequences of his actions. He was viewed as a freak there's no doubt, but his constant recognition as a local hero may have caused this second personality as a ruthless serial killer. Smitty has this pure evil side that sometimes just needed to be shown. People aren’t born with cruel hearts, but some may develop it from the determination of changing the way their

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