The Pigman Quotes

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The Pigman by Paul Zindel is a novel about two high school sophomores, John and Lorraine, and their close, intimate relationship with an old man named Mr. Pignati. Lorraine and John are two very unique characters that are reckless and immature. Throughout their friendship with Mr. Pignati, they mature and become more sensible. Certain quotes in this story do a marvelous job of highlighting these intricate characters’ development. The quotes in this novel display character development by showing that John and Lorraine learned to take advantage of their freedom, question their happiness, and to question their decisions. Mr. Pignati always enjoyed the two teenagers’ company and gave them the freedom to do whatever they wanted. “John please do whatever you like. Make yourself comfortable. If you want something out of the refrigerator, help yourself. I want you to feel at home.’ And always with a big smile so you know he meant it,” (Zindel 95). This is the complete opposite of John and Lorraine’s parents. John and Lorraine are always being told what they cannot do by their parents. With …show more content…

“Lorraine lifted her head slightly and watched him go by...We had trespassed too. Been where we didn’t belong, and we had payed for it. Mr. Pignati paid for it with his life… And there was no place to hide- no place across any river for a boatman to take us,” (165-166) After the Pigman’s passing, the two high school students start to reconsider their actions. The two teenagers come to the conclusion that the Pigman’s death was completely their fault and that they had made terrible decisions. During this pivotal moment, both Lorraine and John’s characters develop, and they decide to admit that Mr.Pignati’s demise was their fault. The Pigman’s death caused the two teens to finally stop acting selfishly and take responsibility for their