The Pilgrims: Chapter Summary Of Chapters

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Herein lies the summary of Chapters 1-3 as written and perceived by the students. Chapter 1: They Knew They were Pilgrims. The Mayflower sailed for 65 days at sea. The writer of the book focuses mainly on the passengers of the ship, specifically William Bradford and the past of the Protestants and Separatists from the Church of England. Focusing mostly on William Bradford for the first few pages, the chapter focuses on how the Protestants became a branch of the Separatists and why. Then it discusses the struggle the Protestants had with finding people who could make the necessary purchases and arrangements for them to leave England, without getting robbed or turned in as Separatists because Bradford had printed a religious tract against the …show more content…

The Pilgrims made an agreement with the Virginia Company to work every day but Sunday but the company also sent handpicked people who weren't Pilgrims because there were only a handful of Pilgrims who wanted to actually leave immediately. The other Separatists were all for the idea of being part of the New World but few of them actually wanted to go and work in the wilderness. They were called Strangers by the Pilgrims but learned to work together to try to make a colony. William Bradford was the head of this company, as was William Brewster. The Pilgrims were known better as Puritans and Separatists. They were the radicals of their time, wanting to worship how they wished and when they wished without being persecuted. In that day, the church was very much a part of every day life and controlled everyone with false teachings. The Separatists disagreed and did so vehemently. They were badly treated in their own country that they left England and headed to the Netherlands. Their children were becoming good little Netherlanders and losing the British identity that their parents lived