The Placebo Effect

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Health care providers may use placebos intentionally or unintentionally. When used intentionally, as in giving a sugar pill for pain or prescribing oral vitamins for fatigue, an element of deception is involved. The doctor does not believe the treatment is effective for the condition but believes it will be helpful for the patient because of the patient’s belief in the doctor’s prescription. This is an ethically compromised position regardless of the possible benefit to be derived and usually is not considered acceptable practice. Unintentionally, providers often create placebo responses just by their enthusiastic endorsement of and belief in a treatment. In this case, there is no deception, as the provider genuinely believes in the treatment …show more content…

The evolution of self-healing belief has known to have a direct relationship on how the human body accepts the knowledge of applying the placebo effect. The “acute phase response” can also be interpreted as the human’s expectations socially. Therefore, he believed that, one of the most effective cultural medicines was the Placebo Effect.
In the article of Ostenfeld-Rosenthal (2012), it has been said that the working mechanisms of rituals has a relationship between healing rituals and the placebo effect. The healing is conceptualized as a process. To sum up, it is important to stress that the placebo effect is nothing but ‘the effectiveness of symbols’ (Levi-Strauss 1968), but it is crucial to emphasize that it is all about the effectiveness of bodily-experienced meaning, the effectiveness of bodily-experienced …show more content…

In clinical trials these days the placebo effect is accounted for as far as possible but there are a great many treatments –especially amongst the therapies – that have evolved rather than been designed on the basis of research. It is said that a great deal of nursing has evolved in the same way and who is to say that nursing is not, in large part, simply a placebo. As highlighted by Chan and Thompson, nurses and doctors both report the deliberate use of placebos in their