The Plague Of Oedipus The King

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Oedipus is the son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta. Based on Oedipus’s mother’s dream that when Oedipus grows up, he is about to kill his father. As soon as Oedipus is born, he falls into disuse in the mountains. Then, Oedipus saved by the shepherds and is adopted King of Corinth as the adopted child. When Oedipus is in the age of youth, he learns the dream of mother and then Oedipus abandons to kingdom on the purpose of killing King of Corinth. Oedipus drops by Thebai and kills him by fighting with a stranger that he doesn’t know on the way. Actually, the stranger is his father. Afterwards Oedipus marries widow Queen Jocasta by without knowing. A terrible plague emerges in Thebai. Oedipus learned that this plague is caused by the punishment