War And Cancer: A Comparative Analysis

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The war is like a cancer, spreading a lot of death. But according longtime Scientific American writer John Horgan (2014) the `war and cancer differ in at least one crucial way: whereas cancer is a stubborn aspect of nature, war is our creation`. As long as there is more than one person, there is more than one opinion and a different understanding of how things should go. It is just of matter of time when the disagreement and conflict may break out. When we look back to the history, for example last four centuries every age has had its own big war, beginning with 17th century and Thirty years’ war and ending with 20th century and WW I and WW II. However, modern society has become more humane and most attempts to solve conflicts are political …show more content…

Changes in society and technology have had an impact on the armed conflict also. The changes of society have made warfare’s more humane. For example, during Wold War II Allied bombers killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Dresden and Tokyo as a matter of tactics, despite the fact that NATO airstrike in Afghanistan 2010, where nine civilians were killed, made the news as a tragedy and leading the top NATO commander in the country to apologize to Afghan President Hamid Karzai (Goldstein, pp. 3). Furthermore, when today 's civilians do end up in harm 's way, more people are looking out for them. According to contributor countries ' statements the humanitarian aid spent per evacuated person rose from $150 in the early 1990s to $300 in 2006. Overall international support has grown from $2 billion in 1990 to $6 billion in 2000 and $18 billion in 2008 (Goldstein, pp. 3). Recent technological changes are making war less brutal. For example, when in past to attack the target would have required an invasion with thousands of heavily armed troops, dislocating huge numbers of civilians and destroying valuable property along the way then nowadays drones, driven by distance, will accomplice the attack much easier and less collateral damages (Goldstein, pp 4). And improvements in battlefield medicine have made combat less lethal for participants. In the U.S. Army, the chances of dying from a combat injury fell from 30 percent in World War II to 10 percent in Iraq and Afghanistan (Goldstein, pp 4). In short the changes in warfare has made world more civilised but even civilised people will have conflicts what to