Women and their rights have overcome certain aspects throughout history; becoming more progressive as time has passed. Men and those who did not believe in the progression of women’s rights were always willing to disregard them. This paper explores how women were perceived in a period of supposed inactivity in politics and feminism. The use of positive and negative effects of feminism in this period lay out how there are two aspects to be observed.
Feminism in the 1920s’: Sex, Fashion, & the Alt Right
Women endlessly overcome societal feats to maintain a forefront with men. In an era post women’s suffrage, men viewed women as politically inactive. The truth is the roaring twenties was an empowering period for women. Women were restless, and as un-content as their mothers before them were. Feminism in the 1920s’ pushed women to care for their rights. Women were willing to do anything to better the existence of women; this included joining the Ku Klux Klan. Despite the uproar against the empowerment of women as sexually corrupt, women prevailed.
Positive Effects Of Feminism In The 1920s’
Firstly, According to Erin Holliday-Karre, many believed the 1920s’ was an inactive period for feminism (2016). In
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The main negative takeaway from 1920s’ feminism it that it is regarded as mostly nonexistent. This proved untrue by the aforementioned paragraphs. This outcome is due to how reformers and men viewed the behavior of women at the time. The actions of women were considered as an excuse to be lewd. Holiday-Karre expresses that “Writers like Kenneth Yellis and Lewis Ernberg discuss “new women” as threatening to traditional morality and as rebelling against older sexual mores.” (2016, p. 323). She goes on to express how their writings are in part negative towards these actions as less than political. These actions against old moral standings was very much political, and a big part of the feminist movement of that