The Positive Impact Of Globalization On The United States

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Globalization has become a term used more frequently now than it did twenty years ago. In the 1990s, almost 500 books were published about globalization. From 2000 to 2004, there were more than 4000 books published about globalization. Ghemawat). Globalization is a very broad topic that encompasses things such as the integration of the economy around the world and blending of cultures around the world. It is the development of international business markets through new technologies. Technology has been one of the largest driving forces behind globalization. Without new technologies, companies would not be able to produce an item in china and sell it in the United States just days after. While the amount in which it has reached areas …show more content…

Look no further than the growth of the world’s economy. The world economy has increased tremendously since the end of World War II. Global currency transactions have increased from $15 billion per day to $4 trillion in 2010. (Anderson, 2). This economic growth has positively affected countries all around the world. China’s “Tiger Economy” grew at an astounding rate. It went from a very weak economy with very few outside ties. It opened up its markets to outside countries and business and drew in jobs. These jobs drew in Chinese people from the country to the city. It underwent a massive growth I GDP, increasing from the sixth largest GDP in 2003 to pass national leaders such as Germany and Japan. (Watts, 228). China has used this increase in their economy to form mutually beneficial trades with other developing countries. China is one of largest trading partner of many African nations. China has passed the United States as Africa’s largest trading partner at $114 billion in 2010. (Anderson,271). Because of Africa’s growing national economy, companies such as the liquor company Diageo have been moving resources there to tap into the growing market. Diageo has invested over $1 billion into the African market in the last five years. (Wall Street Journal, 2). This increase in activity has created jobs for the people of Africa as well as stimulated the national …show more content…

India has seen a major boom in jobs due to outsourcing to its cities. There have been approximately 3.3 million jobs created in Bangalore, India. (Friedman). These jobs have come as a result of the outsourcing of call centers from places such as the United States. These jobs have given the people of Bangalore money which has in turn stimulated the economy of India. This money has changed the taste of the younger. They now want to become more like the Americans and this has opened markets for American companies for goods such as clothing and even the food. The creation of factories in China has created millions of jobs for the people. None of these factories would be possible without the construction crews that build them. 1.5 million people work in the construction field in China. (Koppel). These jobs have created a growing middle class in the Chinese population. This middle class has created a growing demand for higher quality goods, such as cars. The Global community has been strengthened because of globalization. Because of the globalization, agencies and organizations such as the United Nations now exist to help strengthen and regulate this increased global