The Power Of Women In Shakespeare's Othello

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Accompanying King Lear, Hamlet, and Macbeth, Othello is one of Shakespeare 's four excellent tragedies and therefore a pillar of what most critics consider being the peak of Shakespeare 's dramatic art. Othello is unique among Shakespeare 's tragedies. Unlike King Lear, Hamlet, and Macbeth, which are set against a backdrop of concerns about state and which reflect with suggestions of universal human affairs, Othello is set in a private world and centers on the passions and personal lives of its main characters. In particular, Desdemona, the bride of Othello, and Emilia, the wife of the villain Iago, are the two major female figures in Shakespeare’s Othello. Though they are both loyal to their husbands, an explicit contrast between these women is realized with regard to their experiences as well as perceptions of reality in general. Desdemona is a woman of intelligence and spirit. For all the claims of the military directness of other characters, Desdemona is the most straightforward and reliable speaker in the play. Her speeches are not as long as those of the men, though, with Desdemona, every word is worthy. For Desdemona, Othello is the hero of numerous thrilling and perilous adventures, who also has the appeal of the orphan child who really lacks love. Additionally, this the fact that he is known as an honored and influential man in her country, so any young noble lady would apparently find him attractive. Also, in Cyprus, being in charge of her own household,

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