The Privilege Of Education In Canada

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Children are all different, from their size, skin colour, where they come from, and how they are treated at home and school. Why would countries want to all be the same? Canada and Brazil do not have the same laws, and neither do Kenya and South Korea. Just because healthcare is free in Canada does not mean it will be free in every other country in the world. If you have the privilege to go to school where you live, there will always be other kids who don’t have the privilege to have an education. The privileges of education is taken away from children for different reasons.Children have different rights depending on the country which they live. Today you will be learning about education, health care, children 's rights and what some children …show more content…

There are different types of schools where you can send your child to get an education. These schools include, private school which is not free, also parents have the option of teaching their child from the comfort of their own home, and lastly public school. Since Canada is a bilingual country, parents can choose to send their child to an English speaking school or a French speaking school. Male and females normally have classes together unless they are enrolled in a private school, where they can attend either a male or female …show more content…

After they turn 5 or 6, the law is that they must start school and must attend till they are 16, or 18, depending on province regulations. The school year starts in late August, or September depending on where you live again, and normally ends in the middle of June. Canadians go to school from Monday to Friday, unless there is a holiday or snow day.
The healthcare system is a group of socialized health insurance plans that provides coverage to all Canadian citizens. In Canada’s healthcare there a five main principles.
Public administration; all administration of provincial health insurance must be carried out by a public authority on a non-profit basis. They also must be accountable to the province or territory and their records and accounts are subject to adults.
Comprehensiveness; all necessary health services, including hospitals, physicians and surgical dentists, must be insured.
Universality; all insured residents are entitled to the same level of health