The Proposed West Virginia Computer Crimes Act

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2.1.5. Cyber Crime
According to Peter (2000, p56) the easy definition of cyber crime is crimes directed at a computer or a computer system. The nature of cyber crime, however, is far more complex. As we will see later, cyber crime can take the form of simple snooping into a computer system for which we have no authorization. It can be the feeling of a computer virus into the wild. It may be malicious vandalism by a disgruntled employee. Or it may be theft of data, money, or sensitive information using a computer system. employees of the organization commit most computer crime, and the crime occurs inside company walls (Hagen, 2008: Nykodym, 2005). However, in our perspective of financial crime introduced in this chapter, we will define computer …show more content…

From the definition of computer crime according to laws and regulations in Virginia can be understood that something related to Data processing equipment electrical, magnetic, optical, electro-chemical, or Other high-speed equipment in doing arithmetic logic, or storage function and insert some data storage facility or communication facilities is directly related to the operation in conjunction with the equipment does not incorporate automated typewriter or tipesetter, a hand calculator or other similar equipment. In view of some of the definitions above, it appears that there is no consensus on the definition of cyber crime or cyber crime. According Muladi, until now there is no exact definition of cyber crime both nationally and globally. Most still use soft law in the codes of conduct such as Japan and