The Pros And Cons Of Animal Shelters

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Seven point six million animals enter an animal shelter each year. Animal shelters cannot take care of almost three-fourths of the animals they receive. The animals that they can not take care of have to be euthanized. Sixty four percent of animals that enter animal shelters are euthanized each year (“Animal Shelter Euthanasia”). That is approximately two point seven million animals that are euthanized every year (“Pet”). You may ask, what really is euthanization? Euthanization is known as a quiet painless death, it is a humane death. The animal is injected with a medical solution, that really is just an overdose of anesthetic (“Euthanization”). Animal Shelters just do not receive enough money to provide support to all the homeless animals …show more content…

Animals can not care for themselves and it is not their fault that they can’t keep themselves alive by themselves, or if they do not have a stable, loving home. Many would rather keep their money, than lend it to poor, innocent, homeless animals. If a living animal is not worth giving money to, lets talk about what the federal government takes your tax dollars and supplies it too. Two point six million dollars were spent training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job. Three point nine million dollars were spent rearranging desks and offices at federal government headquarters, in Washington, DC. One point eight million dollars were spent to help build a private golf course in Atlanta, Georgia. Two point three billion dollars were spent on ten new jets that will not be used. The federal government also paid for Homeland Security employees to have sixty three-inch plasma TVs, iPods, and two hundred and third dollars for a beer brewing kit. And Alaska Airlines were given five hundred thousand dollars to paint a Chinook salmon on a plane (Riedl). All of these causes were paid for in full by the federal government and they didn't just cost any amount of money. They costed hundreds, thousands, and even millions. All the examples were a waste of money that people did not need. There are plenty of your tax dollars wasted everyday, given to causes that do not need it. Animal shelters need money to help keep living animals and pets alive before they are adopted. The money given to animal shelters would definitely not be wasted, but used to provide not for just anything, but a living