Review Of Chapter Four Battleground: Reproductive Rights

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erson America’s War on Sex Paper 1 Option 1 1. What I Learned One thing I learned about while reading America’s War on Sex: The Attack on Law, Lust and Liberty by Marty Klein was the ridiculous amount of money that is spent on the abstinence only until marriage program. On page 16 Klein talks about how much money goes into these programs and where they actually go. He states: “Most of the $200,000,000 that goes to promote abstinence-only-before-marriage each year is awarded to agencies over which there is no oversight whatsoever. A huge amount of this taxpayer money goes to frankly religious organizations” (16). That’s almost 1 million dollars of our countries money that is being sent to groups whose main goal is to make sure teenagers don’t …show more content…

In this chapter the topic of contraception came into play, and what really surprised me was how controlling and intrusive these “pro-life” groups are. On page 32, Klein brings up several strategies these groups use to control women’s choice about contraception and abortion. One strategy that stood out to me was restricting or limiting women’s choices of contraceptive and abortion equipment, technology, and information. What I also didn’t know was the lies that they would tell people to instill the fear to not have sex, “contraception and abortion encourage promiscuity in young people; abortion leads to physical problems such as infertility and breast cancer…abortion leads to mental problems such as depression or suicide; RU486 leads to infertility” (34). By telling kids they should fear having sex before marriage really is not going to stop them because quite frankly kids are young and stupid and want to try the unknown, especially the unknown you try to stir them away …show more content…

One argument the anti-educator and anti-sex groups have is that they are doing it “for the children”, but in reality they are only doing it for themselves and using the children as an excuse. On page 8 Klein states that these groups claim that by providing their children abstinence only education they are protecting them from being interested in sex, hearing about a variety of different sex practices, having sex (resulting in emotional devastation, pregnancy or diseases), ruining future marriage, and liking or enjoying sex too much to the point it gets out of hand. But, in reality they are only damaging their